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I have learned about how to discuss more with students. Being able to discuss more with students allows the students to feel like they are being heard. That we are here to help them and in some cases, there may be times that we can't like in the "Impersonal Problems." However, we as instructors need to help figure out solutions or know already the solution at hand for those particular problems. 

Encouragement was one thing that kept me in my program when I wanted to quit. These instructors kept encouraging me not to leave, gave me study tips, and made sure I got my work done. So my experience of encouragement has been both emotionally and physically beneficial for me.

The "crisis game" is something I want to put into practice with my students. I know that in my area of teaching, it will bring about real-life situations in which students can practice what they have been learning.

The use of humor can help in the creation of an environment that helps students to feel comfortable but also can help them in their interaction with their fellow students and me as a teacher. 

The different type of learning expectations depends on the type of student. In my job, I will have more non-traditional students however if I do have one or two that fit the more traditional setting, I will need to make sure they do not get lost in the crowd. 

College students need to know that they are important to their instructor. They need to know that their instructors understand their situations. They need praise for positives (scores, behavior, learning a new skill, making progress in a difficult area). They need to know that they will be heard, and their concerns accepted. They need to know that their reasons for being in class are respected. They need to know what their options are when life "jumps up and slaps then in the face," as I say. Understanding and compassion for the students can be given while still remaining professional. I… >>>

The needs of adult students could be different from the reular students, understanding and assisting adult students by connecting/directing to app]ropriate resources for their needs promotes learning.

Although self-directed learning may be a trait of some adult learners, my current experience is that many students acknowledge not reading the assigned required reading before class and have an expectation that the instructor should tell them what they need to know. This is very disheartening and frustrating especially when the students are pursuing becoming a professional nurse and potentially caring for members of the public who still have a lot of respect for the nursing profession. In addition, one must wonder if they will adopt and endorse the principle of life long learning to pursue and implement evidence based… >>>

Am currently not assigned advisees since they enroll in a designated career path; hence, am not involved with recommending sequence of scheduling courses since curriculum plan is already determined. Also, institution has limited other career tracks for a student to pursue if the program they are pursuing does not mesh for them personally.
It is imperative to be genuine and sincere when listening to a student's concerns and engage in eye contact 80% of the time during the interaction.

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