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Just finished CM201

I think the training was very helful to the job description for an admissions representative. If you feel the training needed more knowledge please indicate why?


Being some what new to this field this training helped to solidify what I had already been taught. Now I can continue with my job with more confidence than before. If I have any doubts about what I am doing I can always refer back to the links as well.

CM102 completed

Thanks for sharing this course with all of us in the company, it was very informative and definitely will be great for all new employees and a refresher for those of you who are veterans in the industry... We stress training training training but the core of every thing we do can easily be broken down if we aren't compliant... Compliance is definitely a topic that is going to be at the forefront going forward and will be raised up to a higher priority than maybe it has in the past... good stuff coming in DELTA'S FUTURE!!!

Admissions Training

The admissions training provides an indepth overview of what each agent needs to know to be highly effective in their job. I feel that it is essential that all agents understand how important it is to be compliant and responsible for what we say and do. This is a great training and it is a best practice for our college.

Perfect for Success

This was a great tool to learn about every aspect of the scool industry and the right ways to become successful. From defintions to enrollment agreements and CIE information, I will use this new information to help my selling techniques imporve and enroll more students by having the proper information at  hand.

this is great !

this is a great resource for anyone involved in admissions. Thanks for the training.




Just Finished CM102

Compliance compliance compliance.  We strive to make sure that we are always in compliance.  Taking this course it allowed for me to learn new things as well as reinforce the rules that I was already aware of.  By taking the assessments it shows to my compnay that yes this is something that I understand and now there is a tool to use to ensure that each person is held accountable for their actions. 

Money well spent?

I pose this question to you.... Was the design, creation and implementation of this course money well spent by the state?

My personal oppinion is a definitive no. I truly feel that It was a great course, but should be something done by the individual schools, not by the State. If schools were not adequately training their reps and agents on the proper guidelines set forth by the state than they should have been fined and or had licenses suspended.

I just feel that the money spent in this course could have been reinvested in education for prospective students in the state. 

Training Assestment Program

This training program provided me with the knowledge and rules of the CIE. This way i can give a better service to my students as well.

Helpful tools for everyone..

This course taught me a lot of things that are extremley important. I also think this would be such a helpful tool for other departments, not only Admissions. It's hard for other departments sometimes to know that there are laws that need to be followed and they should know the importance of these type of things! I believe it would be helpful for Marketing, Student Services, Registrar and even Financial Aid to take part in this training so they can also see this side of the scope!

A Job Well Done!

Like others, I have just completed this course.  I truly enjoyed the way this was presented.  This is an excellent learning resource particularly for information this important.  :0)

Mr Cool

I think that the coursework provided and the format it ws given in makes it a useful tool to stay abreast of compliance issues and help ensure proffessionalism.


Thank you!!!

Thanks for the amazing info and clarifications. it really helped my staff and myself.


I certainly learned things I didn't know previously.  Was worth the time!

Cool course

This course has made me more aware of what a prospective student needs to know. Pointing out details actually adds to credibility. It empowers the student and the agent. 

great course

This was very informative and fun to complete. It is a great training tool!

Course CM 201

I enjoyed this online course very much, I found it informative and very easy to follow.  I am looking forward to implementing what I have learned in my job.  This course has enabled me to be a better representative of the school that I work at.

Ready for the challenge

This course has provided me with the information to be successful, it is great learning tool!


After completing this online course, I feel much more prepared and comfortable with the new regs.  I learned a lot.