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Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.


Quiet effective when explained clearly every points.

good presenter

A good presenter is who connect with the audience and understands their expectations and also practice the presentation before delivering it.

written communication

important message in subject or in the first line of message will be really useful.

honest and simple communication

honest and simple communication is always best. managers and supervisors should clearly say what they want


Is alwasy important to communicate with team members using different types of communication methods.

Constructive Criticism is crucial for developement

Provided the the constructive criticism is done effectively and in a more positive manner is vital. Both receiving and giving feedback in a constructive way is more helpful then an irrational and judmental approach. Try and always be open and caring about feedback. In the end we all want our company to succeed.

nonverbal communication

Nonverbal communication is as important as verbally communicating. You wear your feeling/emotions all over your face.  Remember to always engage nonverbally in a positive manner. Posture and eye movements send messages to others on you mood and/or how you are feeling. 

Constructive and positive feedback

I truly believe that time management is a key factor on any feedback positive or negative. When receiving positive feedback I believe it boosts work morale. I also agree with when giving constructive criticism it should be done in private and try to be as positive as possible. Feeback is a key ingredient to a smooth flowing work atmoshpere. 

Adequate Planning and Positivity are KEY

Positive exchange from you and your staff is most effective. Stick to your agenda and always make aware the Purpose and Objectives up front. Incorporate all staff who are atending the meeting in a positive and creative manor. 

Key points are crucial

When speaking in front of a group try and know your group. humor may be the ice breaker to get their attention. Always know your Primary points and accentuate them throughout your speech. Involve your listeners and have them engage with you in the presentation. Confidence is also a key factor. 

Keep it simple

When writing brainstorm with a rough draft. Keep it simple and straight to the point. When trying to get your point acrossed it may be better to do a written communication as well as verbal. 


use feedback as a learning and growing experience


planning and holding meetings will make your workplace succeed


practice makes perfect


keep things detailed and to the point.

great importance

gives knowledge and reminders of what we can do to better ourselves and employees for a better working environment.

what makes a good presentation really good

The information presented is something we know and too often forget.  We become comfortable with the subject and forget the audience.  We want to look intelligent and knowledgeable and forget the presentation is not about us but the audience.  This presentation has put the listener back into the equation.  It is good to remember a little humility goes a long way.


Never take critism personal, but use it as a tool for improvement

Communication Skills

It is so important to listen to what someone is saying and not focus on the reply.


Communication is very important!

It is very important to keep communications honest. Performance reviews are an arena where sugar-coating often takes place. If an employee is an average performer, give them an average rating. A misuse of performance evaluation will come back to haunt you when it is time to plan merit increases.

To summarize, communicate with others as you would prefer them to communicate with you. This will help prevent mistakes and build positive working relationships with others. In effect, it will help you and me to become  a better supervisor or manager in the workplace.