Aaron Perez

Aaron Perez

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Realizing how important it is to not only make sure students have the  access to the work, but to make sure it is ADA compliant. 

Although I already knew students would have learning difficulties, I was not aware of hoe many students are affected by such. As well as the vast amount of different learning disabilities a student may have. I was already planning to have my lectures be captioned. But now i see that there can be other factors that I should make more attentin to. 

Learned that I need multiple evalutations. It cant just be form one cource. And after learning about it, it makes alot of sense. 

how important feedback can be not only to the students, but to the teacher. It is a great way to make sure your teachin style is reaching everyone on the same level and that no one is being left behind. 

 I learned bout a dynamic syllabus. I thinks its a great idea to have it be dynamic and changing with the course. Because every course online will be different and students may collectively learn in a better way or want to learn something not in the original copy, i think its a good idea to be able to add stuff as you go when its to benefit the students learning.  

I learned alot about keeping modules consistent in not only the looks and feel, but also the amount of coursework it contains. I also learned about chunking information to help avid loss of interest in longer single videos. thats a great idea! 


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