Tracy Burke

Tracy Burke


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Some examples of effective motivation techniques that career college instructors can use in their classes would include the application of their real life (work) experiences. The expertise gained in the workplace can “fill in the gaps” of what is not found within the textbooks. The students can view these experiences as an application of knowledge. Moreover, the instructors’ experiences can motivate the students to discover that their knowledge procured from the classroom can be utilized in a professional arena, as well as in a personal fashion. -TWB
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Hello: Introductions also establish a foundational element to learning. Student's become familiar with their instructor's professional, and personal background. The instructor's learn about each student's reason for choosing higher learning. -TWB
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Students enjoy when we share our anecdotal stories; stories which can inspire the ideal of improvement. They also see the imperfection of their instructors, or the fact that instructors are "people too". -Tracy
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Nina: Thank you for your response. Students will interpret your meaning within your smile. Trying to learn names is always appreciated, as it demonstrates an adept attitude! -Tracy



I appreciate the purpose of returning to school.  We an all learn, an appropriate  varied perspective of education.  The different  perspective lends insight, for better decision making abilities.  It  is also an excellent attempt at professional development.



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I agree with you Hoanne!   I often do realize - however - that I am constantly aiming to motivate my students.  I try to keeep them engaged through  participatory practices.  I  use  various questioning tactics to get the students to do their own brainstorming.  Motivation  - in a sense - is  getting the students to do something that they already want to do ( even when they do not raelize it).



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Stress management seems to be problematic for sdo many adults, which makes  them more vulnerable to their  society.  Alleviating stress is crucial,  in order to prevent  catastrophic events (such as crises) from occurring.



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Introductions are a great way to break the ice. Students and instructors share interesting facts about themselves; sometimes with “bragging rights”. Being able to engage in communicating similarities, and differences helps to put ones ideologies into perspective. Introductions are a great tool for expression, listening and the beginning of understanding individuality, as it assists in appreciating what everyone has to offer concerning learning. Are introductions beneficial to learning? -TWB
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It can take a few seconds, for someone to evaluate you when you meet for the first time. Your students form an opinion about you based on your appearance, your body language, your demeanor, your mannerisms, your speech, and how you are dressed. Your attitude is subconsciously evaluated in as much as your attentiveness is. The key to a good impression is to present yourself appropriately. This is demonstrated in how well you “blend in with” your surroundings. A winning smile is highly recommended, as it can conceive a notion of comfort between student and instructor. Moreover, our candor and… >>>

Professionalism and communication is important in every professional setting. We should continuously assess our current personal levels of communication and professionalism. We should identify strengths that we have added within areas of development, that we have improved, and how successful we have been with achieving personal challenges. How can these challenges can affect our professionalism and communication within our career fields? -Tracy

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