Va Yang

Va Yang

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I really liked Principle 5, even though I know it's hard for us humans to admit fault or when we've made a mistake. Leading by example is easier said than done but it is a great way to demonstrate integrity-which is necessary when working with students in higher education. 

I enjoyed reading about the average profile of the generations but overall, I found the communication exercise to be a bit black and white when really, communication is driven by the individual. I thought the questions were a bad example of testing our knowledge here. 

I really enjoyed reading about generational diversity-because it does exist and impacts how we communicate with each other. 

I will use my voice messages to help advertise opportunities for my students and potential students. 

I really like the feel, felt, found statements and I can see how this can very easily help alleviate concerns for parents and students. Also, I completely agree that social intelligence outweighs IQ- we have often been in situations where the most socially in tuned person doesn’t' necessary have the highest degree, more prestigious job or necessarily book smart. 

I will use the off peak times and vary call times to my advantage, depending on the audience. I have made it a practice to always have a mirror by my desk.

 Your attitude over the phone still comes across. Also, I find it hard to listen to myself in a recording but this practice might be needed if I truly want to evaluate if I’m able to engage in the communication hierarchy, even over the phone. 

I am horrible with names, but I can certainly understand how stating someone's name is personable and builds trust. I will use reframing in my everyday conversations. 

Active listening is hard to do but it can build trust between you and your student. It’s important to mirror active listening to those in our environment because it is a foundational skill that tests our ability to be empathetic, to ask how and what (non-defensive) questions and also it keeps us respectful and reflective.

I like the statement, clarify the feelings behind the word and repeat, reflect. I think it’s a good practice as many of us are listening to respond more often than listening to understand and reflect. All of these are great communication practices that can produce healthier relationships.

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