Kevin Pierce

Kevin Pierce

Location: north carolina

About me

iI am a teacher at Miller-Motte College






We all need to grow, as people and as instructors.  When we grow as instructors we become better able to instruct our charges.  As we grow, our students respect us more, and for me, that makes me want to keep on growing.  As we grow, we can better think outside of the box and incorporate new ideas into our classes, in effect spicing them up and making them more interesting.

Blog Comment

I already knew that it is of great importance to have good instructor materials, that are applicable to the class and helpful to the students.  I did see a few things, like printing handouts on coloured paper, that I will be incorporating into my classes.  I will also be trying to make my lessons more interesting, by having better materials available.

It is our duty as instructors to help our students to succeed.  We must help them realize their potential, while not giving everything to them.  I am glad that I completed the ED 104 module.  I am sure that I will be able to make use of the information to help me to refine my teaching techniques.  I will make sure that I enter my successes here and ask for help with my difficulties.



I feel this is very important.  Admissions must not raise student expectations by promising them things that cannot be delivered.  They should give the students honest and straight forward information.  If everyone, including Admissions, is honest with the students, the students will trust the school, and will be more likely to remain in school to the completion of their degree.

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