Thomas Pullin

Thomas Pullin

About me


I like the idea thast exams are testing what the student does know.

The process for using a guest lecturer was helpful.

Integrating a lot of different interactions with online instruction is key to providing your students with a quality education.

Putting extra time in the beginning pays off in the end.

Discussion Comment

I haven't used it. I agree that it looks like an intelligent solution to deal with the "class clown".


I find the concept of Universal Design to be an intelligent way to include an upgrade on a campus that benefits everyone.

I would not call an individual that is on the DNC list.

I believe that this is a simple and effective solution.

There were a lot of great ideas that i would like to implement in the future!


I really enjoyed the information in ED106! I can see that a lot of information will be added to my instructional methods!


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