Tina Connelly

Tina Connelly

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So far I have learned about setting up a classroom template that will help me be consistent, reach all my objectives, and have an outline of my goals for myself and my students. I like the part about evaluating my strengths and weakness to see what I need to focus more on as an instructor.


Consistency in format, but variety in mode of instruction are a beneficial combination in creating an online course.


The different types of e-learners is quite interesting.  Distance learning teachers must do all that they can to encourage all types of students to be involved and active in their learning, but sometimes a student just isn't ready for the program.  Sometimes students need to address more immediate issues then return to try again.

Knowing the  differences between synchronous and asynchronous discussions and how to best use them can encourage student involvement.


Introducing yourself as the teacher helps the students see you as a real person that is there to help them through a program that can be very impersonal.

Teaching in an e-learning situation requires more than just content knowledge.  Teachers must also have knowledge of the virtual program and be prepared for handling situations where students are frustrated.

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