Tom Hayes

Tom Hayes

Location: rocky hill, ct

About me

I like Pina Coladas, getting caught in the rain...





comptia a+, network+, mcp



Good communication is key to effective teaching online.

I teach computer technology so...

Online learning can be just as effective as face to face in most areas.

Having just lost a student because of institutional failures, I feel retention needs to be a multi-layered approach.

I participate with my students online daily, this helps some who prefer that structure, others preferr to be more asynchronus.

Flexibility is key in an online envoronment.

Initially online I was more athoratative but as I've become more comfortable with the platform my style has become more relaxed and I tend to be more of a facilitator.

TC is a great tool to help better understand a student's personality but may be too rigid.

Understanding a student's personality helps to learn how to teach them.

Many students need to develop critical thinking skills

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