Ted Forrand

Ted Forrand

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This segment is a terrific reminder that teachers must develop an internal mechanism that reminds them to do what is called in technical operations a, “health check.” This is a total operational check out of a particular system, specifically in aircraft maintenance, at a specifically planned interval, when a thorough operational check of the system and related components are checked out for continued service. Teachers/instructors need to build in a similar checklist of items to review so they can maintain their own personal – HEALTH. And as the leader of the class, or as I like to say, “Chief Executive… >>>

Student retention relies on so many factors. As the title states, “General Strategies.” Strategies, while specific, usually have general results. What remains is that student retention requires an instructor to at one time be as light-hearted as a late-night talk show host and at other times be as stoic as an airline captain during take-off or landing. Given that students come in all “shapes and sizes” the instructor must be a chameleon in that the leadership style they foster has to model their student’s expectations and their own strategies for succeeding in the course but also in life.

It isn’t… >>>

It is one thing to be an instructor and be the image of authority and the go-to for all answers. That is a tremendous feat to take on for one individual. However, it should not be so daunting. While students might have all the needs and wants, there is a finite amount an instructor can do. The most an instructor can do breaks down into two categories:

> Empathy:

An instructor can take the time to relate and recognize that behavior(s) might be sparked by events in a student’s life. For example, a student might live with other people they… >>>

The various testing methods can provide for objective and or subjective results. In each testing method the approach to developing questions relies on first establishing an answer that supports the question. What is certain is that people in general, namely students, will respond differently to testing methods. Just as there are different learning styles, there will be differences in retention by students.

Assessing general education skills is where the secondary and or vocational education begins. The so-called “soft skills” that should have been developed in high school are elements of necessary focus so students can maximize the desired benefits of a vocational school. As a vocational school instructor, the primary focus is on teaching a vocation. However, to be successful in reaching students so they will retain what they are to be learning, it is necessary for instructors to place increased emphasis on critical thinking, writing, communication, problem solving, and ethical reasoning skills. Assessing student values and attitudes consistent with general education… >>>

Questions and questioning between students and teachers provide an interactive path of communication that is or should be a respectful dialogue. Questions also solidify what students have learned and provide valuable insight for a teacher to recognize a student’s participation. Questions can be used as a tool for instructors to marshal greater interest in a particular subject or to spark interest that might be lagging in another subject. 

Of course…there is the answer component of the questioning. The response to questions can be used to reveal what students are learning or better said, what they have retained. 

Ideally, learning styles, assumptions, classifications and conditions should intertwine with an instructor’s technique(s). For example, an instructor that is teaching a class in an auditory fashion might not get the message through to a student that learns and retains information best from visual instruction. The same could be said as this relates to emotions and problem solving. When combing these variables the instructor has to be a sort of a chameleon when disseminating a lesson plan among a variety of students with as many varying learning styles. 

Determine the lesson content, goal(s).

Provide a rationale (why do they need to learn this, objectives, delivery methods, materials and aids.

The lesson plan are guiding principles - not strict blueprints. 

Preparation must allow for flexible delivery. 

Ad-hoc adaptations will add an element of artistry to any lesson plan and delivery

Develop flexible teaching strategy – one size does not fit all in terms of each student especially adult students who have become used to being a certain way. 

Vary your delivery to address as many learning styles as possible.

Lecture format flexibility and variety to keep students focused and… >>>

Setting reasonable expectations consistent with business and industry standards.

Share personal occupational and professional experiences with students. 

Coordinate activities that engage students in learning.

Motivate students at the beginning of the course (and during) so they can create a future for themselves.

Create an interactive environment so students and instructor(s) can remember names and get to know one another. 

Planning and preparation is necessary to maintain structure. It also provides for being prepared to deviate for circumstances that may arise that are not anticipated. In other words, planning and preparation will lend itself to being organized of which will subsequently provide for alternative solutions to unplanned events. Also, planning and preparation is paramount in establishing a learning and work environment that invokes dignity and respect among students. 

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