Thomas Croize

Thomas Croize

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Preparation is a key to get ready for the class

We need to teach thinking about the 3M : We are a Model, a manager and a motivator. Our competencies will be shown by our techniques, professionalism and our style of instruction.

It is really important to set realistic expectations for the student to understand them. Also following the trend, showing them skills up to date is really important right now for the new generation of students and it's necessary for the instructor to keep up with the trend and go on stages to develop smore skills. 

Learning the right way to give back some feedback and showing them with their words they are here to learn and understand what they are doing. This will create opportunities to talk about a lot of topics, tastings and show they we are here to help them.



Psychology plays an important part of the day-to-day operation in a kitchen environment. Students needs to also understand the importance of math, communication and put them in practice with real life examples.

It is really important to know how to construct your class around your students and their background, different generation and how to approach them for the class to be as smooth as possible. And also to show them the reality how the job, what is it to be in a kitchen and all the tasks going with the position.

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