Tom Coniglio

Tom ConiglioCHEP

About me


Allowing students to share thier life experiences in class keeps the class interesting
I find that putting students in small groups helps the weaker students and brings out the leaders in the class.
I prefer floating around the classroom as I lecture. I believe the students feel more involved in a discussion rather than just listening to a lecture. It also helps keep the students attention.
I find that by letting the students get frequent updates, as far as where they stand in class, is a great motivational tool for both the students and myself.
The biggest problem I face is having students with a weak educational background.
The use of you tube is great for classroom topics.
My personality really shines with my students during lecture. It has alot to do with my confidence.
Discussion Comment
It seems difficult to monitor student cheating today. The students have come up with new ways of cheating all the time. I guess its due to new technology.
I speand a significant amount of time preparing my lectures. This seems to help with any pre-class nerves.
My students are warned, then they are sent home for the day for any repeat disruptions. They get the message pretty quick.

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