tarek ashry

tarek ashry

About me


I believe there are number of factors that would motivate adult learners to return to school but ultimately it can be summarized to intrinsic and extrinsic influences. Most adult learners are motivated intrinsically; they simple want to learn for the sake of just learning, personal growth, and development of social relationship. Tantamount to intrinsic influences; extrinsic influences that is controlled by external environmental factors can play a major role in motivation for adult learners. Its driving force is professional growth and moving ahead. Simply put “a means to an end” The emphasis is on the reward from the outcome
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Without question all four phases are contingent to one another, however, I would heavily target my focus on preparation/planning. As all phases are important; having a well-designed plan allows smoother transition to the next phase.
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provide powerpoint and or overhead projector(outdated)to aid in comprehension through visulization.
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Encourging and challenging students by asking questions that would envoke their higer thinking abilities.
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Students are given an opportunity to provide feedback after each class through course survey, the feedback are always taken into consideration when it present a vaild and pertinent input
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As an instructor, some outreach/support strategies I would provide to students to help overcome perceived barriers would include providing self -evaluation strategies to and provide support when needed. My primary role would be to act as a consultant or guide on the side.
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As cliché as this may sound but there is not enough time in any given day to accomplish tasks and meet objectives. I find myself taking work home which invariably affects my personal time with family. I have to prioritize my time and ask myself what is more important to me in the situation at hand.
Showing how much you care plays a key role in drawing listeners/ students in thus becoming more interactive and motivated to learn.
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Exploration would be very important in career management; identification of knowledge, talents, strengths and skills are key to accomplish your goals.
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Course content is more detailed and comprehensive in online course structure, it allows the instructor to break down pieces of information into small parts and sequence each part in such a way as to make sense to someone who is reading the information on line.

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