Danashanti Harter-Johnson

Danashanti Harter-Johnson

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It is particularly interesting to see how laws have evolved since the Civil Rights Act to accommodate for disabilities.  I appreciate that more consideration and support is being provided.  It does seem challenging to provide an opportunity for different learning modalities while also needing to limit some types of these modalities but I suppose some creativity can go a long way.


I found the fact that many students do not report disabilities or that the percentage of disabilities is much higher than what may become presented to a professor very interesting.  I love the fact that of incorporating a FAQ page and checklist can be an immediate source of support.


Using mulitple evaluation methods are important to course revision and to improve success.


In this module the importance of feedback was stressed.  I appreciate the idea of incorporating more peer and self assessment to my courses and in a variety of ways.


Using a variety of online tools can stimulate an online community and foster student success.  I will make sure to include a variety of online interative tools to help conversation and interaction between students to students and students to me.


From this module I learned that not just consistency in content but length of time to complete that content is essential for productive learning. 


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