Suzie  Goodenough-Lawson

Suzie Goodenough-Lawson

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I have experienced the benefit of team work and delegation working miracles to increase time efficiency. Simple things like helping each other when we need copies and having them pre-prepared help time efficiency in the long run so much.

We have found that teaching and modeling new healthy behaviors such as Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi-Gong or meditation walks helps our  our students in ways that they may have not encountered in other parts of their lives and gives them new healthy behaviors to deal with stress.  

We have had great success using our dry erase board to play pictionary for our Medical Terminology class. The students elected the best artist to do the drawings and then described the condition verbally and the auditory students shouted out the medical terms.
My Online Medical Terminology class likes to play a visual and audio version game of Medical Terminology to definition mix & match game. Since we have been playing this game test scores have risen by more than 15% and retention of material has improved.
My A&P group loves play a game we call skeleton puzzle. We have a big box of bones we dump out and then have the students identify the bones and reconstruct the skeleton like a puzzle. It has been an amazing tool to have the students remember the names, shapes, sizes and locations of the bones : )
The school I teach at had the instructors play a Jeopardy like game to quiz us on our school knowledge. I then took the idea into my classroom to utilize it as quiz preperation and review. Student feedback was positive about the fun component helped them be more motivated and involved and helped them to retain the information longer.

I agree that the ML 118 Coaching course material can be applied to our interactions with students. I personally tend to utilze a more supportive approach yet through the course learned examples of when a more directive approach would enhance outcomes for the students.   

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