Shashank Atre

Shashank Atre

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Many instructors like me who have used, now defunct, Google+ Communities as a SHARED-LEARNING platform for my students.  In the process of creating a Learning Community, the G+ platform asked the creator, you, if the community was to be viewed and accessed by the PUBLIC, by only the students in the class, or by the entire educational institution.  Obviously, the PUBLIC access option should NOT be even considered.  You as an instructor do not want info about students, their photos, their views, and any other personal info out there in the cloud for anyone to see and probably misuse.  Whether… >>>

I agree with Harold that I was aware of FERPA and HIPPA but I did not know much about Gramm-Leach-Bailey and Solomon Acts.  It is great to note that the Third-party vendors are also subjected to the FERPA guidelines.  It is slightly unnerving to find out the Solomon Act supersedes most elements of FERPA.  We as instructors have to be aware that the new "online" instruction model is subject to the same guidelines.

FERPA is not just about student's privacy it is also about the student's rights to his/ her educational records.  Institutions need to observe the necessary and important protocols to protect students' records and the employees who get hired after proper screening should receive the necessary training.  Students current and former have the same rights and procedures to protect their educational records and access them, although former students/ alumni may not receive the same considerations in some cases.

SENSITIVE vs. NON-SENSITIVE info and the importance of informing and getting the consent of the students and a diligent RECORD KEEPING process is at the core of FERPA.  The 5 'Ws' are a great way to remember the policies and guidelines of FERPA and how to follow them.

I wrote this op-ed for my previous university's Teaching Institute.  The focus of this essay is to promote student-centric learning.

RIGHT TO PRIVACY AND CONFIDENTIALITY..... FERPA is an important Law put in place to protect students' personal information that could be used against them or could subject them to discrimination, harassment, and personal danger.  Thus as instructors, we have to be very careful with that information even when parents call to inquire about their kids' grades.

COMMUNICATION....REGULAR, FRIENDLY, ENCOURAGING, and SUPPORTIVE COMMUNICATION is very necessary for student engagement.  Providing students with the necessary resources or at least providing them with info on where to get help is critical.  As an instructor we need to create a supportive and shared learning community for the students.

For #4I was debating between (a) and (d)

As a faculty who has taught online classes before I have had asynchronous interactions with students mostly through Discussion Boards and Google+ Communities.  In my rubrics, I have included points for a student to read posts of other students and pick 2 or 3 of their classmates to respond to.  I have used synchronous class time for informal chats and Q and A sessions.  Sometimes I have used for group presetnations.

CONNECTION AND CONNECTIVITY......e-learning are all about connecting with the students on a personal, educational, and professional level, and their seeking connectivity and connection with the faculty and classmates.  E-learning environment can be a LONELY place, so as an instructor it is our job to ensure that the CMS becomes a place of comfort and familiarity so that they can learn in the same fashion as if they were in a face-to-face classroom.

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