Robert Capko

Robert Capko

About me


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I have always strived to have more advanced students help mentor the new students. The new student will feel more comfortable working with another student and they both benefit from the relationship.
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I believe it is important for the prospective student to truly understand what the profession they are entering is all about. Not what they think it is about, or what their friends think it is, but what it actually is.
I believe a school should regularly discuss ways to improve retention rates. Make sure new faculty are trained in where to go to help a student. Good communication is key.
While I am a believer that face-to-face intervention is the most effective, I can see where students might be more willing to open up to a computer. Just look at some Facebook posts. People post some of the most private things there.
I do not believe we should be easy on students, but I believe we can take difficult concepts or tasks and break them down to smaller bites. The students can then experience success (many don't know what success feels like)right away, and build momentum as the material gets increasingly difficult.
Unfortunately, I find the instructor is often the one blamed when a student is not retained. There are so many factors outside of the instructor's control and sometimes, the student is just not a good "fit" for the school. The instructor does have a duty to alert the team as soon as he or she is aware there might be a problem.
I found this course very helpful and I recommend it for anyone who wants to learn new techniques to enhance student learning.
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What are some strategies to use to accommodate a student with a learning disability, but prevent students without a disability from feeling that student is gaining an unfair advantage?

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