Paul  Jett

Paul Jett

About me


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As a faculty member, I often assign students to work on projects throughout the term - working in groups is a great way for students to come together both socially and within the school setting. I choose the groups, making sure that "new" students are paired with more experienced students - I also like to encourage a bit of competetion between the groups - in this way, the groups come to rely on each other more and new students feel that they are accepted and that they belong here.
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I found the information about the various checks and balances required by FSA (specifically that the award and disbursement must be done by two separate individuals) very enlightening. It helps, as a faculty member, to understand the process of those things that go on "behind the scenes" as it were.
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As a paralegal instructor, it is important that any potential applicant to our program not have any felony convictions or the student will not be able to sit for certification.
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I use O*Net a lot to get good information about specific careers so I can taylor my lessons and make sure my students are getting the best information about the field they have chosen to enter.
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If the students see the institution as more than just a building with classrooms, something that is a living, breathing community - a place of refuge in a lot of ways - but even more than that. I would like each student here understand that they are part of something very special. And it is - college is a very special place where people come together to learn, share and grow. Once a student is committed to this vision, I believe he or she will succeed.
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I think the thing we need to keep in mind is that we cannot "fix" anyone. Most of us are not qualified professional therapists to begin with, but that aside, our student's must learn how to handle and deal with their own problems. Of course, we should be there, to help them see the bootstrap, but they must be the owns to actually do the work. Still, it can be all too tempting to try and do everything for them, especially if we have become so invested in their success. But we must keep in mind that does them a… >>>

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As a paralegal instructor, it is important that I teach my students about stress and stress management. I will not paint an unrealistic picture of the world for them - the legal world is often very stressful, with deadlines, commitments, and fears of making mistakes. That being said, I will always follow up with the simple truth that each one of my students is more than capable of dealing with all of these things. I like to tell them that they are the best of the best simply because they chose to be here - and that is what sets… >>>

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I understand that retention is really a problem that everyone in the school must work together to deal with, however, as a faculty member, I only see "our" end of it. It may be helpful or at least informative if we knew what admissions or student services were doing about retention and maybe we could all work better together.
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As an educator, I personally believe that administration needs to make sure we "know why" they are implementing policies or procedures. More often than not, business partners or admin will come out with a new initiative and, for whatever reason, fail to explain why it is needed (or their explanation is insufficient). If you keep us informed, give us an opportunity to be heard about what we think of these changes (heck, make us think we have some say in it even if we don't!), then new goals, policies, etc., will be easier to accept and transition to.
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One of my problems is recognizing when I push a student too hard. I like to believe that I am pushing them to succeed, but there are times that I feel I am pushing certain students too hard and they just shut down. I realize then that I can't stop pushing (though the urge is there) but I need to push in a different way. My question is how can I "see" this shut down coming and head it off?

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