Paul Folkestad

Paul FolkestadCHEP


france, italy and the oregon coast


While the hands-on learning necessary for skill development at a culinary school would be hard to flip, there are ways certain assignments and lectures can be managed. For example, a demonstartion of breking down a chicken and inmplementing the proper cooking methods on the various parts could be prerecorded, then the in-class time could go over homework associated with that demo, then actually have students engage in the cooking methods themselves.

While the hands-on learning necessary for skill development at a culinary school would be hard to flip, there are ways certain assignments and lectures can be managed. For example, a demonstartion of breking down a chicken and inmplementing the proper cooking methods on the various parts could be prerecorded, then the in-class time could go over homework associated with that demo, then actually have students engage in the cooking methods themselves.

I agree. The attitude and effort required for customer service must be instilled in the beginning and continually. If you are willing to put yourself in the customer's situation (external) or empathize with a fellow employee (internal), then you are on the right path toward honest introspection and good customer service.


@LBallance :it used to be when I started 10 years ago that we were not encouraged to engage with students. This was mostly out of fear of fraternization. Now I believe we have fostered a culture where relationships, the proper ones, are important to establish. It can be as simple as engaging astute not in a conversation in the hallway, or just making small talk in the elevator by asking where they are from. These small relationships can develop trust that can aid in retention. 

"Everything I ever needed to know I learned in Kindergarten". If you think about it, it's true, isn't it? I think employers find that it's harder to teach the soft skills to their employees...they either have them or they don't. You can be taught the hard skills in most cases, especially if you have good soft skills. If you have a hard time managing your emotions and are not tuned in to the emotions of others, you will have a hard time at any job. Almost every employee I've know who was fired from a job was fired not due… >>>

I find the challenge of teaching culinary gen ed a welcome one. There are times when it can be hard to engage some students. Even though the math and writing courses are ones they signed up for, some students may come from a background where classroom academics were not a strength. Some tools that are useful for me: Tactile examples, regular food discussions, reading the NYT restaurant review every Wednesday, humor, and the occasional injection of a personal failure of mine. These little tricks help the WIIFM students stay engaged.

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This course, Ed 114, reminded me to slow down if only for a second. Our curricfulum is fast paced, and we try to teach speed in the kitchen, but if I think of myself as a student I would want just an extra second or two to come up with an answer during questioning.

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I like to offer my students a dose of perspective every once in a while. We teach cooking; a lot of people want to learn how to cook but can't simply as a matter of circumstances. I tell my students that we are all lucky to be in the circumstances that put us here, and that we should cook with joy in our hearts. Our food wil taste better.

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I agree wholeheartedly. There are so many other life factors that contribute to poor attendance: From family issues to illnesses to flat tires, the litany of personal problems seems endless. For that reason I know I have to make it interesting, motivating and, yes, fun.

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I find the challenge of teaching culinary gen ed a welcome one. There are times when it can be hard to engage some students. Even though the math and writing courses are ones they signed up for, some students may come from a background where classroom academics were not a strength. Some tools that are useful for me: Tactile examples, regular food discussions, reading the NYT restaurant review every Wednesday, humor, and the occasional injection of a personal failure of mine. These little tricks help the WIIFM students stay engaged.

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