Paula Wilson

Paula Wilson

Location: north carolina

About me

An adult educator for 20 years...the CORONA has thrown me for a loop!  I have taught ESL,ABE,GED, Compensatory Education, Family Literacy, ONline GED, and AHS but to be thrust into an all  online environment with no warning has been interesting to say the least. Enjoying the challenge but miss my students! I'm a hugger. Social Distancing is killing me!!!!



food esp. italian and true, local, cold case murder stories


conflict resolution, spanish, american sign language, creativity is my strongest gift


Communication in my current online course situation is S2I and I2S. I need to be more definitive with my explanation of when I will and not be checking emails and work harder to be consistent in keeping to those guidelines.

Spending more time on choosing/evaluationing the communication tools will definetly be implemented in my choice structure from now on. Often we get in a dryspell and simply use what is easiest for us. Although easy is a good thing, is it most appropriate for the communication structureIi need in this specific class?

Utilizing a holistic approach to determine course effectiveness is key.  Not only should outcomes/assessments/scores be reviewed, but student evaluations of instructor and course provide great feedback. Peer evaluations also give a fresh set of eyes when reviewing effectiveness of a course.

Synchronous and asynchronous instruction are both essential in my particular adult education setting at this time, as set class times are available for specific lessons and also online assignments are offered for those with adult, daily life set backs and need the flexibility.

I do not have to fear technology, or feel ineffective if I choose to not use all aspects of an online teaching tool. All that the tool has to offer may not be what my particular learning environment or student pool need at the time.

It is imperative to use multiple types of evaluations to make changes to or analyze your course. The numerous evaluations to choose from either provide effectiveness feedback to the student, instructor, or institution.

Guilty! My feedback is often generic in nature.  I see the need for more detailed feedback and encouragement,. especially personalized through usgae of voice.

A detailed, interactive syllabus is essential to an effective online course. The students will be able to access it time and time again as it is  subject to change as students make suggestions.

Interesting to study the learning styles (personality's almost) that can hinder online learning for others as well as those that can make the experience more enjoyable. The module has given me a much better understanding of what to look for in behaviors, through posts, and how to effectively manage them.

I am motivated to start a post forum to encourage students' participation. The CMS that we currently use does not offer one.

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