Bobbie Odell

Bobbie Odell

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Put your communication rules in your syllabus. Ask students to sign a Academic Honesty Policy .. also have a communication code of conduct in place and have strict guidelines for communication

There are several tech based communication tools for small groups, large groups, and social networking... You need to collect datta fro students to see what is working and what is not as far as the tech communication goes

There is a lot of work to convert F2F to a online course. Its not transfering but transforming content

There are 3 ways to facilitate: 1 Teacher centered, 2 teacher centered and student centered,  3student centered

Synchronus learning is live class, the disadvantage is if someone can not get online at that time. This is aslo a more engaging type of learning. Asnchronus can be accessed any time of the day it is not as engaging. The sudent also can not be a procrastinator when working and leaning this way. 

You will have to look into several technology tools to see which works best for you and your students.  Also students need to know have good internet and knowledge on how to use the technology beeing used. 

Multiple ways of evaluating students

It is iportant to have formative and sumative assessment. Detailed rubrics are very helpful for students and instructors as far as grading and giving feedback. Self and peer assesments are important for constructive criticism and helps students better there work form others. Dont give generic feedback on work. Giving meaning fulfeedback is very important because it will improve learning

Your online syllabus must be dynamic. A dynamic syllabus provides an opportunity for students to interact with information

Online chates are synchronous, Recorded chats are asynchronous

Blogs or web logs are shared online journals which can be set up private or public

Students should feel like they are part of a community not an idividual online

Purpose of scaffolding learning students need to focus on learnig with technology instead of learning from technology

Consistency is very important throughout all your modules. Make sure you understand your students knowledge and learning needs. 

Making prerecorded objectives for your database can save you time because you can reuse them

Make sure you have someone test your modules before students use it, so you can make any corrections

Be consistant with the text you use and be consistant with the lengh of each module

Always make sure your objectives are tied with the subject matter

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