Terry Miller

Terry Miller

About me

This was my first experience with on-line learning and I found it quite enjoyable. While I have spent nearly 30 years in my chosen field, any advice from teaching colleagues is certainly welcome. I love teaching and I continue to be amazed at the different things I have learned from my students. I love using humor in the classroom and find it is a great ice-breaker in those difficult classes. Probably the hardest area for me to comprehend is the lack of motivation I witness in some students. I'm very open to finding out what approaches instructors are utilizing in this area, especially at a time when the economy is tough and employers demand the very best.


I was 33-years-old when I decided to return to school to finish my degree. I remember quite well the feeling of looking around at my much younger colleagues. Most of my instructors picked up on my apprehension and engaged me in a positive and healthy fashion. In my years of teaching and other academic work, I still maintain a special 'soft spot' for the non-traditional student

Thoroughly enjoyed the "Stress and time management" course. Stress hits us in so many ways, including the classroom and personal life. I learned thru the course that I am an "immediacy" person and changes need to be made. I'm also working diligently to minimize stress by working out regularly and eating healthy. Also, no matter how hectic things get, I never lose my sense of humor. It gets me thru the toughest days. Great course, lots of good ideas for personal improvement.

Blog Comment

ED 104 made me take a closer look at my teaching methods and gave me a better understanding of how to reach unmotivated students. We do bring a lot of successful grads to our campus but the 104 course gave me new rationale why it is such an effective teaching tool.

ED104 was an excellent course in helping to recognize different and difficult student behaviors. I believe most of us teaching these days are always looking for fresh ideas especially in dealing with unmotivated students. "Whats the least I have to do in this class to pass' is frustrating to hear on the first day of class. The majority of my students are motivated and eager to learn but the unmotivated ones take away your time and energy. The 80-20 theory comes in to play with these students.

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