Lauren Thompson

Lauren Thompson

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Is social media changing the human contact that people need to be able to interact? No longer do you send a card or call someone on a special occasion, no just send an e-mail or post something. Yes it's much easier especially if you are out of touch with the needs to call, send a card or stop by and say Hi. There are places that are so remote you can't get to a store to buy a card or stop by and wish them whatever. I think we are losing the personnal contact needed in some cases to stay… >>>

As a boomer instructor I can show my students how things were done and how modern technology works hand in hand. Reasoning helps when you try to convience Y students they need to diversify the way they think and work. First the why, to get knowledge, and then the how; jobs, money, etc. With the introduction of computers into the classroom the how can be researched faster and with a greater variety of sources.

What a difference in teaching styles from when I was in school and how school is taught now. The thing that drives me crazy is how the school is blamed for everything. The parents and students don't want to take responsibility for failure. This country spends way to much on education to be turning out so many inept graduates. Just push Johnny along so he doesn't feel bad and what ever you do don't fail him. It might hinder his development. I'm an instructor at a tech school and people here are always blaming the public schools for the poor… >>>

I believe the quote is, "Whether you think you can or can't your probably right". Here we must make sure everyone feels they can reach their goal. They come here expecting us to do our part in fullfilling their desire to become a technician and to fail in that is not acceptable. Let them know we have avenues to help them meet their goals. Identifing students who need help is really not that hard, getting them to seek help, that's a different story all together.

I believe the quote is "Whether you think you can or can't you're probably right". I tried this with my Olympic soccer team and found the players who didn't believe in them selves were the one who usually did poorly. After the first week of training I asked each one individually how they thought they did. To their supprise I then asked what I could do to help them achieve their goal and improve enough to make the team. Everyday after the regular training session we stayed and worked on what they felt they needed. The skill level went up… >>>

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In some aspects teaching Fact is alot easier than core. There is very little lecture and alot of labs and computer work. The students are almosy always active and if they show boredom you can always but an exercise in to re-energize them.
Having graduated from high school in 1966 I can tell you I was bored to death. How things have changed. Keeping the students involved is very important for their learning experience. Having been a professional soccer coach I was the master of improv. You learn how to adjust. That is how you need to run your classroom now. Lecture if you must but make it exciting, keep the students involved by asking how they would apply what they just learned and don't wait for the lecture to end. Jump in anytime with a question or example.
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Teaching different classes brings alot of challenges here. In core classes I usually have 30+ students round tables and hard plastic chairs. Teaching Fact I have an average of 15+ and rectangle seating and nicer chairs. Both have advantages and disadvantages. Round are nice when they are working together with a table project but some complain when going over material on the white board (taking notes with book on lap, etc) or during powerpoint presentations. While the Fact students have a hard time doing classroom labs with rectrangle tables. The other issue is there is alot of wasted space with… >>>

Since I teach at an automotive technical school it would stand to reason for our rooms to be full of automotive type material. Not so! The rooms here are very bland (beige) and very little is in the room to help with the learning enviroment. You could teach computer science in any of the 5 rooms I have to use for my Hot Rod and Ford classes. Windows would be nice but again the rooms are on the interior of the building. Sun light would have to be shipped in from afar. Music is also banned and no outside material… >>>

If we were to stop learning about our subject you would digging a hole you'll never get out of. I am from the generation that had points and condensors inside of distributors and carburators. The cars I raced are entirly different today. If I tried to teach students JUST about those items I wouldn't last long. Just look at how computers have changed our lives. Point being, To be a good teacher you must first be a good student". In our profession you MUST learn new stuff everyday to keep up with the advancement in todays automobiles.

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