Lori Swanson

Lori Swanson

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Value added assessment has instructors working to reach all students in the learning process. Having a variety of teaching strategies allows you to meet student's needs no matter the ability level.

Objective assessments are have clearly defined right or wrong answer. Always make sure the question is specific to the content. Also, give feedback on correct answers not just wrong answers. Subjective assessments are evaluated by giving an opinion, like an essay question.

I didn't realize there were so many different types of assessments. I do use all of these types in my courses.

There are many different assessment tools. The instructor needs to do some research to find one that works for them. Also, it is important to get feedback from the students.

Organizing your course content helps keep the student organized as well, it makes it easier to find the materials they need. It will also make editing and updating content easier. Use a variety of teaching tool such as Youtube videos. Routinely use course announcements to keep the students informed.

It is necessary for an instructor to develop their own methods but remain flexible because what might work with one set of students doesn't necessarily work with another. Guidelines have to be set, I have found students need these guidelines.

Presenting the course content should include synchronous and asynchronous learning. Whether or not you are using both types your content should be organized with well defined guidelines.

Technology tools can facilitate the teaching process but they need to be easy to use for both the student and the instructor. Instructors should develop their own teaching styles.

Course evaluations require multiple types of data. Course grades are not the only means of evaluation.

Use both formative and summative assessments. Using rubrics can make the assessment process less confusing for the student. They save time with grading and provide feedback to the student. Using peer assessment helps the student see something from another point of view.

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