Guest Facilitator

Guest Facilitator

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Bruce - My email is If you'd like, email me your contact info and I will give you a shout should I wander into your locale. Lou Russell

Bruce, I hope we meet at some point... you and I share very similar leadership philosophies. I like your holiday example as well. A quote I like is "Leadership is a serious meddling in people's life". Robert Greenleaf has also written a great deal about the Servant Leader (more recently, Ken Blanchard has written a book with this title also). He believes that as leaders, we are servants of the people we lead and we hold their development 'in trust'. We are not superior to them or 'over' them. That doesn't mean we are buddies - also a problem. As… >>>

Donald: That's an interesting experiment. I'd love to see what happens. Have you tried playing very soft instrumental classical music 60-80 beats per minute (baroque is best) as people come in? It might also help to have assigned seats to break up more unruly pairings. Any change in the environment will be noticed and knock things off a bad pattern. Lou Russell
Donald, What a great benefit for great faculty. Taking the time to learn and grow is a critical part of doing a great job helping others learn. Lou Russell
Raymond, That's true with the really great faculty. However, some people learn a little and then get very protective about what they know. They stop learning and this does not translate into a great experience for the students. Whenever I feel the urge to close my eyes to new research or something that contradicts something I've believed, I try to push myself through, and it is always worth it. Lou Russell
Raymond - What kind of music to you like to use? Do you use different music for different environments? How easily have you found royalty free music? Check out Gary Lamb, Chris Brewer and Lindt for some great music with no copyright issues. Lou Russell
Raymond, First, sorry this has taken me a bit of time to respond to... I'm very behind in my emails. I love this idea. I do similar things by introducing terms in my course objectives and then asking them to pick their top 3 course objectives. It's a great use of cognitive dissonance. Lou Russell
Lawanda: Beautiful job explaining how to make an inviting and engaging environment for learning. In the Career College setting, you may not get to much time to prep / take down within a classroom, so your use of dry erase markers is very practical. Think about finding some great quotes to rotate through the different days they are in class relating to your materials, or just for one. One my of favorite is "One Small Voice can teach the world a song." -Elmo Great job! Lou
LaWanda: Welcome to the course! I agree that confidence is important and confidence comes from great preparation. A great learning facilitator also has to be humble, always learning how to improve their classroom delivery, and never feeling like they know it all! Lou Russell
It has been said that leadership is a privilege, not a position. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

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