Lori Morgan

Lori Morgan

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I’ve learned that it’s important to provide a variety of resources for our students to help support them in their growth towards employment post graduation.  It’s also important to stay current with the needs of business/industry in our area as well as build partnerships to provide our students with as many opportunities as possible. I think it’s also important to keep the needs of our current students in view as we plan our programming; so not to miss what this particular cohort may need.

This section allowed me the chance to think about what services and opportunities I’d like to offer students.  In this review I was able to not just brainstorm ideas but also determine the “why” I would want to incorporate into a Career Service Department; which led me to be more decisive in the offerings.  Something else I hadn’t thought about before was the impact this department has on an institution as a whole.  It’s refreshing to see how this work is helpful to so many, not just the student who sits in front of you at that moment.

Connecting with our students in a distance learning situation can be challenging but it’s not impossible.  This module pointed out again that words have power and can be used for good…in this case help us connect through the screen.  I appreciate how this module provided examples of communication to help  us make sense of this section. I’m guilty of not always including the students name, and just saying, “Hi or Good Morning”, and I will now include their name.  I also will work on reaching out to my students through different platforms…email, newsletters, YouTube and such.  Great reminders to provide… >>>

Words have power, so use them for GOOD. As coaches for our students we have the ability to help them work through their concerns/problems/insecurities so they can achieve and be who they are meant to be. I really like the techniques presented  to Prompt Action & Addressing Student Motivation…I will be incorporating Affirmations more intentionally with my kiddos and work to weave them in throughout the day via notes/emails.   I love this work and it’s a privilege to do this work with our students. 


This module reminds us that career coaching is…all about the students!  The reality is this work is at its best when we keep the focus on our students and guide them to maintain their voice and ownership of the process and the outcomes. I am starting a “career club” so to speak at my HS to help juniors & seniors figure out what their best step is after HS.  The GROW Model is one that I feel would be effective in this work.

I’ve been reminded that no matter how rushed I may feel if I want to really help my students it’s very important to take the time to get to know them. In working with my students, I’m going to start working my schedule differently so to provide the time necessary to build the foundation and rapport with my students so they feel empowered to walk through the career process with me. 


Lori Morgan


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