Lacey Hatfield

Lacey HatfieldCHEP

About me


Requiring students to read others posts and to post back or make a new post involes the student in a conversation that might not normally happen in a classroom setting. I think it challenges them to use critical thinking and to go deeper into the topic.

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I always try to incorporate some sort of technology into our learning and assignments.

These skill I feel will help me to figure out the progression of my class as a whole and also the individual.

I think that a persons soft skills help to manage the classes over all progression.

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I think that a persons soft skills help to manage the classes over all progression.

that is a great idea.

I am working on my questioning skills. I think that getting the student involved that way and having them think critically really re enforces the information.

I learned alot on how the different style of learning can effect the students and how the study and take test. Very intresting.

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I run into alot of students that have learning issues. Once they grab hold of the main concept they usually can run with it, its just getting to that point. Sometimes they even retain it better. It just takes  more time to get them to that point. This has taught me some new guide lines and new tips and has also given me an better understanding.

You have to be excited about what you teach or your students wont be. So, its important to find new ways of teaching things and switching it up. Make teach fun and it should be!

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