Erin Lewis

Erin Lewis

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Guidelines and the organization of content help develop an effective framework for learning.


I need to analyze the teaching style of instruction and see which category I fall into and possible change in order to facilitate more learning.


I need to relinquish some control and allow feedback from my peers to let me know what is and isn't working.


I think I'm going to try to incorporate more self and peer assessments in my first grade classroom.  I will make time for my students to spend time assessing their peers work which could lead to improvement in their own work.

I will definitely incorporate a FAQ section in the future to help my parents which will help me.


I need to make sure I create a Learning-Objective Data Base.  When remote learning started this year, I saved everything I did all over my computer instead of having a specified file.  It will make retreiving information much easier.


I've been working on improving my records management.  I've found myself overwhelmed with paperwork.


While e-learining during these last couple of months, I've noticed that if I don't give feedback on assignments, comments, or questions right away then I won't see many assignments turned in.  I'm constantly responding to assignments and questions in order to encourage more participation who tend to avoid the work.


In a traditional classroom setting, I always start with a biography to the parents.  I see that sharing a biography is even more important in an e-learning environment.

I will make sure that I know how all the online resources work before I teach the content.  Since I've been remote learning, during the past couple of months, a common problem has been my parents not understanding how to log into different platforms.  I need to know how to do these things so I can be more helpful.


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