Kate Behan

Kate Behan

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Generational differences should be considered - as a Gen Xer myself, I often find it difficult and frustrating to communicate with Gen Y and Gen Z - not only are tech & communication skills different, professional behaviors and conduct are different as well. This is an area where I personally need to model more consideration so that my team sees that. 

The Communication Conduct policy/expectations is something I will implement formally - many faculty already have some kind of guidance, but I'd like something formalize for the campus.  Too often students approach communication like a text message to a friend - very informal, text abbreviations, etc.  

The module related to both using and assessing technology tools provide a good reminder that not only does the tool have to have viable functionality for the course and its objectives, but also that the instructor should be proficient in use.  In the push to add tech to courses, I find that some faculty are intimidated by tools they are not familiar with, but feel like the "have to" incorporate a wide variety of tech. 

I found the goals that can be accomplished via authentic assessment to be most valuable in this module. 

I appreciated the review (and application) of validity and reliability regarding assessment - this is something that I know I don't consciously consider when creating assessments, so this is great "fall back" to theory/pedagogy/methodology for a new (or seasoned) faculty member. 

The difference between assessment and evaluation; I find that these get used interchangeably, when really they are distinct. Also, the impact of diagnostic assessment - I think this could be beneficial in a variety of ways, but especially to a new faculty member that may not know how to gauge what content to cover & so tends to try to cover every single thing in great detail. 

The importance/relevance of the rubric in assessments that are performance-based due to their subjective nature. 

I really took a lot away from the activity of The Stool and the Integrity Planner; as I take more ownership of monitoring online courses/LMS activity/course design, I think these tools and activities will be great additions to help me guide my faculty toward more effective assessment opportunities and increased student engagement/satisfaction in general with online courses. 

Considerations for online learning that may/may not be applicable to face-to-face delivery.  Driving design and delivery that matches online more fully is important; I find that faculty that have taught face-to-face want their online courses to be the same - I'm guilty of this myself - so I want to start adjusting that train of thought & broaden perspectives of what/how/why related to the online environment. 

The 3 basic approaches to online teaching; I'd like to take these & expand on them to tie in adult learning theory frameworks. 

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