Jyoti Patsourakos

Jyoti Patsourakos

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I might ask students how they get used to navigating an unfamiliar website. What do they do first to explore it? I can use this as a way to determine how to teach students regarding navigating the online library. 

I would see if there are any jingles that I can use for students to remember searching strategies, or I might write my own. I might also create a treasure hunt for the online library for learners who are more naturalist. This helps create a sense of exploration towards the library homepage. Then I might have people discuss their thoughts on the treasure hunt for those who enjoy interpersonal learning. 

Using a string and signs is a way to engage learners kinesthetically. For library instruction, this can be done for the parts of an APA reference (e.g. author. date. title) or a structured abstract (purpose. method. results. conclusion). 

Discussion Comment

Yes! I'm not sure if you teach nursing (I saw you were in health care). But there's a cool webinar here on Flipping the Nursing Classroom: http://www.jblearning.com/catalog/9781284101577

Do you find you have more interest in the mechanics of grammar now that you see its applicability? I remember in high school I couldn't care less about history. I knew in an abstract sense that there was benefit in learning history, but to me it seemed not nearly as fascinating as English, mathematics, or music, all subjects which I naturally enjoyed. I agree that it seems unlikely that self-directed study will provide the "hook" that a passionate teacher might to draw students in to the excitement of learning subject material. But, I do think it is a useful tool,… >>>

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