julia Spencer

julia Spencer

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This module opened my eyes to the fact that some of the challenges I face in motivating students to complete work and participate fully will continue to be present in an online forum.  Others will be exacerbated-- a large percentage of my student body procrastinates now.  when I am not in front of them to gently push them on, these kids could very very quickly fall behind.  I also am looking at the information while taking the needs of my ELL population into account.

Honestly, what hit me most was the reminder to allow small talk at the begiining and end of the synchronous learning to further relationship building.

I don't really like the "All about me"  part of the first week of school.  Now that I believe my classes will be held virtually, I see its importannce in starting to establish that relationship with my students, and have jotted down notes on how they can start to create relationships within the class this way too.  I will need to remember to offer students choices in how they present themselves in the bio section.  That will be shared with everyone in the class, but I also noted to have a section or file that is only shared with me,… >>>

I printed the list of course delivery techniques and strategies so I can discuss them with my PLC.  There were definitely some techniques that I had not yet considered, and some that I will have to reach out to admin for guidance on (access to quizzes and assessments at any time, do students have to complete in a linear way or can they hospcotch, can they only move on if they have mastered one or can they "skip" if needed and come back to).

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