Jonathan Keller

Jonathan Keller

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Good review of the laws that pertain to individuals with disabilities. I have in my syllabus information for anyone seeking assistance to contact the Disability Service Center so that accomodations can be provided. I am more aware now though that it is the same for online courses as well as face 2 face.

I have had many students in face to face classes that had disabilities. This section made me more aware of issues that will tend to be hidden with online learners. Keeping the course accessibility more in tune with those having disabilities while not diminishing the course content for everyone will be my goal and take away. This section is helping me understand and better relate those students with special needs and to create course materials that will assist them better. 

Currently, student evaluations are used at the end of courses. From this section, more outside peer to peer instructor evaluation will provide a different outlook for course positives and negatives.

Feedback is essential for struggling students, but highly skilled students typically don't need much. I praise all my students when assignments are good quality. I agree with proper and timely feedback.

This module outlined how important a syllabus is to online learning. For online learners, the syllabus is more important in delivery of course content, expectations, and assesment to the online learner. Without question, face to face syllabi must be retooled to contribute success for the online learner. Then through proper communication to the individual and / or the group it must be consistent and meet expectations of the course content as detailed within the syllabus.

I agree with several posts: Consistency is a key factor. Also, keeping content tight and relevant - not overly wordy or packed. This section spoke about breaking large topics apart through chunking giving learners time to 'chew' information.

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