Jesse Holt

Jesse Holt

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Your attitude and energy is translated into the students decision 

Attitude goes hand and hand with your mindset and reflects in your energy 

Rules and regulations may change frequently so it is good to stay up to date, so you are always compliant 

Advertisement must be in compliance to the institution and state rules

Be sure to know all policies that way you are always in compliance 

Good skills to know so we can do our job ethically 

When you combine all of the best practices it helps the student make the best informed decision. 

Highlighting the resources helps adds value to the school as a potential solution to a problem, that way they can still achieve their educational goal.

To better help serve it is good to get the students perspective as well.

It's not always what you say, it's how you say it. Tone is everything when presenting, it helps create a seem less presentation 

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