glenn  ochi

glenn ochiCHEP

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Wow,I am blown away how this method works in the classroom. My culinary students were given a mystery box assignment to create a three course menu and to cook it in teams of two. Throughout the entire term I followed the guidelines suggested for positive reinforcement and the results were outstanding. They produced the most amazing food combinations today that were presented well. My phrase comment i said to my lab partner is "My job is done here" and he gave me a high five and a hug. Thanks for this insightful teaching tool ^_^

Dang, what a great course as it gave me so many useful tools that i can implement into my classroom.  The timing came perfect as I have been confronted with some challenging students of late.  Change is a good thing :)


I have been challenged with a simalar situation recently and found that if i move my disruptive student away from their comfort zone the outcome turns out for the better. For example in the cooking lab days when a particular group of students work together the quality of the food lacks structure and usually never gets turned in on time even with my guidance along the way. While on the flip side if i separate them into another group their performance and knowledge of cooking is stronger and they understand the importance of teamwork and productivity. I do believe that… >>>

In my clasroom i explain in detail of how a production schedule will increase their self esteem and belief system if they put it to use. The outcomes is that they are able to complete all of their given cooking tasks and allows them to stay on track and the best part is that their reward is to complete all of their dishes.
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Mike, that is a great idea and concept. I will give this a try but i will ask the entire class to do and offer a reward of extra class points just for doing the work. Thanks for your imput. Glenn
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In my new class we are to lecture on one day and lab the next and one of the requirements is for us to teach our students culinary math. The challenge is that they have never been taught this material before which makes it a challenge. My solution after teaching the formulas is to give them a actual recipe to cost out and write out the formula and walk around the classroom to ensure that my students get it. I even add on these costing problems as a bonus question on their quizzes. I agree that with our current generation… >>>

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I find that it's imparative that the student practices the same technique over and over again to fully understand the concept behind the task that they are given. I shared this in forum 2 already. I share the theory of 10, 100, 1000. If you make something 10 times you begin to understand the basics, make it 100 times and now you can see how all the components comes together, make it 1000 times you have mastered the technique and fully understand the entire concept. Then the process starts over again with a new project.
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I also share with my students that by making a dish only one time does not make them an expert. I show them one of my vases and share about the imperfections in the piece itself. I share the theory of 10, 100, 1000. If you make something 10 times you begin to understand the basics, make it 100 times and now you can see how all the components comes together, make it 1000 times you have mastered the technique and fully understand the entire concept. Then the process starts over again with a new project.
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Find an activity that allows you to unwind from a stressful day at the office. There are so many things you can do at home like taking your dog for a walk, feed your tropical fish and watch them eating, do some gardening or cooking. Another way is to find a hobby that allows you to be in a calming place like fishing. I enjoy working with clay on a potters wheel and making my handcrafted soaps, even though its my second job i find is very soothing to be in my zone when making them. Actually i am making… >>>

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I know that we have all encountered a stressful moment either in the classroom or co-workers. Sure we can stress out with the issue and its shortcomings, but where does it end. I say just learn to let it go and move on. Resentment is worst than stress and you know that whatever outcome..........It is what it is. Life is to short to deal with all the b.s associated with stress.

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