Eric Sauber

Eric Sauber

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Comment on Danielle Thompson's post:

I completely agree with how you feel about first impressions!

The use of scaffolding and guided notes stood out as strong techniques to assist with student learning and retention of new information.

I don't remember learning too much in the first encounter with new information, so it is easy to see that revisiting information for students will reinforce the learning objectives.

Applying these principles will ensure an equitable learning environment for the different intelligence groupings that were discussed.

The concrete and abstract models significantly simplify the reasoning behind how culinary students learn techniques.  The concrete would be the how to do, and the abstract would seek out ways to employ the technique.

Evaluating the students' retention of knowledge allows the instructor to evaluate their ability to educate the learners in a course.  By examining an exam from the perspective of a student, a teacher may better prepare an assessment to capture the essential information presented throughout the course.

The use of assessments across a variety of learning styles and deliveries ensures a broader analysis ability for the instructor in their effectiveness in information delivery.

The students will eventually become the teachers and our teaching styles will be reflected in their teaching of others in the future.  "Why" questions allow for deeper reflection than "what" questions and may prove more effective in influencing positive outcomes.

Presenting information to students across a wide range of learning styles reinforces the information that is delivered to each learner.  Auditory, Visual, Kinesthetic, and Written word learners each have a different perception of the information, but if each category is considered, the information may be learned by all.

Having successful students who finish early demonstrate for another student reinforces their learning.

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