Demelece Stewart

Demelece Stewart

About me


I believe that floating and eye contact are two key essential tools that instructors should utilize in the classroom. I've noticed that floating helps because students seem to stay alert because of the movement while speaking. Utilizing eye contact with students help me to determine if students are understanding what I am saying. Puzzled eyes let me know if I should elaborate the information more to make sure students are understanding the material.

I found ED105 to be very informative on how students interacting with individuals in thier career field leave an everlasting impact on the student.  This course broadened my knowledge on several key issues that are relevant to the students learning.  I will apply the information that I've learned to ALL of my classes starting next quarter.

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Students are more willing to complete extra credit assignments to help their scores in the course. In teaching Accounting, I've found that most of my students love completing extra credit, not only because of the points, but it gives them more knowledge on the material.
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It is imperative to have a PLAN B readily available just in case PLAN A does not work. Engaging students in learning is not only beneficial to the students, but it shows the instructor that they are understanding the material that is being taught.
With students learning style being different. It is a great advantage to teach to touch every sense of learning style in the classroom. Versatile teaching enables me to connect with all the students. Some learn by hearing, while others are visual or hands on. As an instructor I am committed to going the extra mile to ensure that I am reaching all the students when lecturing.
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I've noticed that guest speakers in the classroom provides students with information about the field they are pursuing. These speakers are able to help students understand the importance of acquiring knowledge and utilizing it in their careers.

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