Carolyne Faddis

Carolyne Faddis

Location: illinois

About me

I have been teaching college courses for over 15 years, which include online computer courses for the last five years. I have four grandchildren ages 4 and under. Babysitting has been an interesting experience as I "relive" the days of raising my three sons.

I enjoy the challenge of online teaching and teaching in a classroom. The communication of instructor and student is an interesting comparison as I teach the same class (content) onground and online.




mos 2010 word, excel, powerpoint


Do you develop your own online course or is it already developed (assignments, tests, etc.) when you are assigned to teach it?

If you teach an on-ground course and the same course online, do they contain the same content?

Are you allowed to make changes in the online course that you teach?

How many times a year do you teach the same online course?

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