Casey O

Casey O'Leary

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I gained a few new tools for my tool belt! Among my favorites are: concept maps, catchups, jigsaws, and learning logs. 

I am feeling excited and intimidated by this section. The things that stick out to me and feel most relevant in my work are the parts about the evolving centrality of the "self" and the published self, and how that impacts collaboration and community work. I also appreciated the differentiation between multitasking and multidimensional communication (where we acknowledge and embrace the fact that in the modern world, information flows in multiple directions simultaneously and different users are interfacing with it simultaneously and asynchronously. 

We need to help our students think critically about the information they encounter through the internet. That said, the benefits of increased interconnection and the changes in the ways that learners are becoming enamored of the process of learning itself are also valuable, so navigating it effectively is key to learning! 

Whew! There is a lot in this one. My key takeaway is how the very nature of how meaning is constructed has changed through technology and the ways that it has altered the ways we interact and connect through our technological communications. 

I appreciated learning about the various types of speaking (talk for interaction vs. talk for translation, etc). That helps me understand the goals of the times in class where I am making space for students to speak. 

Ahh, we're getting into the meat of technique, which is good for my learning style! I'm taking away the best practices section...lots of good notes for me in that part! 

This has me thinking about where executive functioning comes into play for my classes. In our second-year classes especially, this information is naturally coming through project management assignments. I need to figure out how to better and more explicitly build it into my first-year classes. 

I appreciate the concrete examples of how to create flexible representation. I want to work on making sure all of my content is accessible in Spanish, and also to work on revisiting and highlighting patterns & key takeaways throughout a lesson and a course

Honestly I'm having a hard time really conceptualizing exactly what this framework entails at this point. Must be my own needs for differentiated learning. I suspect I'll gain more clarity as I move through this course module. 

2 things: 

1: I need to figure out a better way of making and following bullet-pointed lecture notes in my classes. I'm either too detailed or I don't put them in a place where I will be able to refer to them in class.

2: I think I'll start going over course learning outcomes with students at the beginning of class. This seems important so that they know where they are headed. 

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