Brendan Cox

Brendan Cox

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When creating groups, unless it is an advanced class, students should not be picking their own groups. As an instructor, it is your job to consider individual student's strengths and weaknesses and to group them based on this to provide everyone with the opportunity to be successful and put forth good work.

A lot of useful information here on engaging students while lecturing. Using a pause to let  students "reset" and be able to refocus on the subject or point you're moving on to is helpful. I'm already a pretty animated person when presenting, but I'd like to video myself sometime to see if there are annoying things that I might do while lecturing that I'm unaware of.

This module described the different forms of tests and how they relate to how the course material is taught and expectations from the students.

This section provided some great information on evaluating students and ways to get them to evaluate themselves as well.

Having students respond to other students' answers to questions is a good way to initiate some discussion, involve other students and expound upon the first answer to fully suss out the complete answer to a specific question.

Having students respond to other students' answers to questions is a good way to initiate some discussion, involve other students and expound upon the first answer to fully suss out the complete answer to a specific question.

By assessing student's learning styles, I can tailor the delivery of my course content to fit the needs of the class. If 2/10 students are Written word learners, but the rest are Auditory or Visual, assigning text studies would only be catering to 20% of the class. By switching it up and using multiple styles of delivery, I can cater to the needs of the entire class, allowing for everyone to have the highest chance at successful learning. 

My biggest takeaway is varying the delivery method of information. Not everyone takes in information the same way, some might find it easy to follow along with traditional lecture while that might sap others of motivation. So wether it's varied lecturing styles or demonstrations, switching up the styles will help everyone in the long run.

A brief introduction including a couple bullet points of your previous professional experience helps let the students know that they are learning from that has been in the industry that they have decided to persue. 

Being prepared is essential. It doesn't matter if it's preparing for your first class, working on a curriculum, objectives or lessons, making sure you do your due-dilligence and are prepared is going to make your job easier and improve your instruction.

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