Barbara Islas

Barbara Islas

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For those of us who learned strictly in a lecture environment, a flipped classroom may sound ludicrous. However, instead of being the content expert who delivers the content in a F2F environment, technology allows us to flip the classroom so that student-centered learning is more effective. A flipped classroom is not always effective, and more research is being conducted on this. However, I have found that students are more receptive and engaged with the concepts when a flipped classroom is utilized. Students are more likely to come to class prepared.

There are many ways to utilize a flipped classroom. It is important the instructor be well-educated on the various techniques and choose the method that best suits the class, content, and syllabus. There is not a "one-size-fits-all" method of planning a flipped classroom. 

When it comes to pre-recorded lectures, there are various methods of completing this and storing the information. SMART Tech, LMS, and TechSmith are just a few of them. Another method is to create a YouTube account and record lectures on this site.

When using a flipped classroom technique, the student will be able to not just understand the material but analyze and evaluate the concepts. Initially, the students may feel like they are teaching themselves. However, prior to attending class, the students are exposed to the information. While in class, the instructor is able to clarify the information and assist the students who are having difficulty grasping the significance of the content. Our aim is to provide instruction that demonstrates the students are learning on a higher level in Bloom's taxonomy.

The method of teaching in a flipped classroom involves a more student-centered approach. This makes the students more accountable for their own learning. The traditional method of teaching involved the "sage on the stage" where the instructor lectured. In reality, this method of teaching has not been very effective. Instead, by offering pre-recorded lectures, the students are able to listen to the lectures over and over again. When arriving to class, the in-class activities help the students to apply what they have learned. Thus, this becomes competency-based education.

There are many ways to accommodate students with learning disabilities. This can be integrated into the classroom and testing environment. One simple way to accommodate the testing student is to allow them extra time on an exam. Another method is to put each question into a box so that the student is less likely to become distracted.

Many students struggle with learning disabilities, including understanding English. By using a diverse learning approach, this will not only assist those students with diverse learning needs but will help all students to learn in various manners. Some students have difficulty reading and some with writing. 

I love using group activities for a learning experience. Although the course recommends 5-6 people per group, I tend to keep the groups smaller. I don't like to have more than 4 people per group. The larger the group, the more often one or more members tend to not interact and contribute to the project. 

I loved the idea of presenting a pre-group project to have them get to know each other a bit better and to practice working in an environment that is "low stakes". Often, we will have groups work through a case study and have them role… >>>

I realized that I do use a lot of these techniques already. However, I tend to roam the classroom a lot. This might be a distraction for the students. I also need to slow down and make sure the concepts presented are understood before moving on to the next concept.

Amazing that technology now offers apps that can be helpful to the student experiencing learning difficulties. 

Students with learning disabilities may be very intelligent. However, they must learn to advocate for themselves and how to work through the challenges of their disabilities. Once they enter the career field, most employers will be unaware of their learning disability and most likely will not provide accommodations for them.

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