Ben Cartright

Ben Cartright

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This is very informative and provides insites that I am sure some people may never consider.  Sympathy is take a few steps in someone elses shoes, and dealing with disability students and even other people would do us all good to take that one mile journey.

as an instructor, managing your emotions must be a priority. you have nearly 30 to 60 other peoples lives infront of you any given day, and the problems in their lives are all that is important to them.  My failure to cope and manage my emotions in front of them or in dealing with them can destroy any hope of communicating , or conflict resolving any of their troubles.  many times their lashing outs are the results of unmanaged conflict in their on life, why would they listen to someone who cant manage his own problems.

I have used these skills in the past, and It is good to take a reflection on why you stop doing those things.  I think worry is a convienence, or a luxury most cant afford to own. I am going to relearn the stop, breathe, reflect, and choose method and reapply it to my stressors.

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I am interested in the backward chaining as a possible way to change the outcome of a difficult class.
I think that it is equally hard to get students to communicet what is happening in their lives because as bad as they want someone to be involved, they are not wanting people to know just how bad that it may be...For the ones that are willing to talk we can help. But for the ones tha are closed up to outsiders knowing their business, it can be just as stressfull to stand on the out side and watch what we can not help..
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I have to say that retention is not always oon the front burner of my stove.. However in my own defense, I thought everything I had cooking was equally important.I see that the instructors involvement in retention is more than incidental, It is by effort that I work to provide an enviroment that is condusive to student education nurturing. It may ultimately still fall on the student to decide, but if I deminish how much is my fault, I should be able to make that a hard decision to regret.
I try to correograph as much as I can.. I still get nerveous leading into the first few momenets.. But usually once the I start SOP's, I am ready to go....I dont ever want to get to where I think that what I have to say is so important that I dont care who is in the chair..I dont want them to see just me I want them to look in my mirror and see themselves..

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