Michael Knight

Michael Knight

About me


Many of our students are career changers so the decision to return to school is a tough one. Many students have regular work schedules and families and all of these factors have to be taken into consideration when deciding to enroll. The state of the economy is another factor to consider, and some feel there may be no where else to turn than to another career.
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Many first time college students are young and inexperienced in dealing with problems. They don’t have sufficient coping skills to deal with issues that can arise. Many are used to a parent handling these issues and some have had no support whatsoever. With proper support and guidance these students can be guided to the right path.
Maintain good eye contact with your students. Hold the eye of the student for no longer than 5 seconds- 2 to 3 is generally the best. This eye contact will let the student know that you are aware of their existence and that you want them to cease their behavior or that you are available to help them. I feel it shows your level of interest in the subject and it allows you to judge the students level of interest as well.
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Many students learn in ways that are different from how other people of the same group learn. It takes an experienced instructor to figure out these differences.
As teachers we must be very careful not to have preconcieved notions about students abilities.
The teacher in the classroom has an excellent opportunity and ultimately a responsibility to serve as a role model.
Teachers must assume a role as leaders and lead by example in the classroom.
Teachers must assume the role as leader.

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