andreea carver

andreea carver

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adult studnets are active learners, put material in bite sized chunks, and be enthusiastic as you teach a topic. 

It's important to remember that the "older" studend has a lot of life to postively contribute to the classroom whereas the ":younger" student may think they can get by and get many chances to complete assignments. 


Both groups have their own battles they must face. That is why the teacher should try to build a rapport and find ways that teaching helps both groups. 

There are many ways to teach. trying to inlude lecture/audio/visual is best as it captures most students. students have an attention span of 15-18 minutes so mini lectures are best. 

There are different ways to teach. Lecturing is one of the oldest but also has to be creative, education, and captivating. People have an attention span of 15-20 minutes therefore make those minutes count. 


Class should include introductions by teacher and students, learning students names is also very important. shows that you care to know who they are. 

rentention includes engaging, planning ahead and setting clear expectations. important to prepare self and come early to class


I have learned to keep current in my frield, communicate love for the subject, love for the students. be the student's friend not pal. We are models, managers, and motivators. 

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