Aaron Husemann

Aaron Husemann

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There are multiple types of Effective Online Communication including S2S, S2I, I2S, G2G, G2I, G2G, and I2G. Providing students with the opportunity to engage with the Instructor and their peers is a crucial part of learning, and will make any Online Course more effective and beneficial for the students. 

Developing an Effective Online Course will take planning, revision and flexibility. It will be important to allow time for trial and error to work out the kinks. 

The critical incident stress debriefing (CISD) is something that I am very interested in doing additional research on and learning how it might be incorporated into what I do as an Educator. I think it could be useful to help students who have seen/been involved in a fight at school and be used alongside other Restorative practices (such as mediation) to help students when they return to school. 

For me as a Special Education Teacher, Collaboration with my General Education Peers is a huge part of my job. At my school, most Students with Disabilities are educated in the General Education Curriculum, and having good relationships with the General Education Teachers allows me to go to them and vice versa with any concerns we have and work as a Team to help our shared students be successful. The Education of Students with Disabilities truly is the responsibility of all members of each School, and as this section discussed, Collaboration is key. 

Soft-Skills are not only important in the workplace, but also in HS and College/Trade School. Just like Academic Content, these skills need to be taught, practiced and re-enforced frequently for them to become useful in the long-run for our students. 

As a CTE Teacher, you may at times need to demonstrate how to do what is being taught, and physical touch is required. During times like this, it is important to communicate with students with PTSD prior to the demonstration to make sure they are comfortable with being shown. In CTE classrooms loud noises may also become triggers for Students with PTSD, so encouraging them to advocate for themselves and self-disclose their Disability prior to entering the classroom. 

Students with a Disability are provided legal protections under IDEA while in School and under Section 504 both during and after completion of High School. An IEP or 504 Plan provides specific Accommodations, Modifications, and Supports that Professors and Teachers are required to provide to help students with a Disability be successful. 

Students with a TBI or who have PTSD may exhibit symptoms that manifest as anger problems, anxiety, and depression. In the case of anger concerns, it is important for educators to be aware of how to use de-escalation techniques to diffuse potentially volatile situations and provide the opportunity for students to take a break when they need one. 

PTSD was originally thought to be a result of a physical event. Over time the definition has changed, and it was added to the DSM and labeled as PTSD within the last 30 years. As we continue to learn more about PTSD, and its effects on individuals, we as educators will be able to implement additional strategies to help our students and level the playing field for them with their peers who have not experienced trauma. 

Providing students a safe environment that is judgment-free can allow them to view the teacher/classroom/school as a safe place and enable them to find success in the classroom. 

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