Zafar Qureshi

Zafar Qureshi

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I find covering such a vast subject in such a short amount of time is easier when the students test frequently. Short exams followed by a summative exams that serve as the midterm and final exam, each of them comprehensive and cumulative. This helps reiterate the information and the students are able to keep track of their progress as mentioned in the exercise.
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In the classroom I, personally speaking as a student, have always preferred an open forum type of setting, where the teaching is more discussion based. I find this to be the most effective since it brings in the perspective of the peers as well as creates an interaction between the teacher and student. Needless to say, teaching a subject that relies so heavily on facts, I implement this same technique and it seems to work very well!

Teaching pharmacology has been challenging but also enjoyable. The exercise and tutorials make a lot of sense because I find myself using multiple styles in relaying a tremendous amount of information to the students in a very short amount of time. Between lectures, powerpoints, videos, doing hands on projects, and memorization of drugs and various mechanisms of actions on the body, I find that it not only keeps the information from becoming monotonous, but provides a lot of variety for the student and myself. More importantly though, when it comes time for the students to take their board exams, I've… >>>

I think it's safe to say that with each passing semester and addition of new students, that the student population is evolving. With all of the technological advancements and vast array of resources, the student today is much different than the student of yesterday. With that in mind, I do truly believe it's important to evolve with the students, so that they can retain, understanding, and eventually apply the material they've learned in a real world setting.
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One of the most important things I believe, is presenting yourself in a manner overall in which the students can feel that they'll receive adequate instruction from the professor. The worst thing that can happen, is having a teacher lose confidence in their student, where they feel the instructor is not competent enough in presenting the material. Often, it's a make or break deal, that takes place on the very first day.
I really appreciate the emphasis that this module places on preparation. To this day, I still take time to look over my notes before a class, just to stay on top of things.
From the first time teacher, to the seniored professor who's mastered their craft, I think this course gives everyone something to learn. It definitely helps you sit back and assess what you're doing, and how to do it better.

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