Janet Dixon

Janet Dixon

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Rubrics, assessments and feedback are essential to learning.

Several technology tools were given as choices to accommodate the students' varied learning styles (example: wikis, blogs, chat rooms, web conferencing, etc.) My online Syllabus will be written with more dynamics and details than my F2F Syllabus.

Students rely on module layout consistency to create non-verbal cues regarding expectations in completing the course. I will create a learning object database for future access when I develop future modules.

Module 4. In this module, I learned effective strategies for:

  • Keeping course records.
  • Communicating with students.
  • Counseling students.
  • Dealing with undesirable behavior.
  • Resolving student conflicts.
  • Minimizing student attrition.

Feedback must be encouraging to promote learning.  It is my responsibility to keep the discussion on topic. Students will expect me to keep the discussions on the subject. Learners maintain higher interest in discussion forums that have direction. Keeping online asynchronous discussions on topic can be done by carefully designing good questions, by providing guidelines for participants to use when composing their responses, and by providing discussion summaries.

Module #2 Placed emphasis on Re-visiting Classroom Strategies, Projecting Authority and Establishing Relationships. Establishing and building relationships one-on-one promotes trust, respect and consideration. My students will be asked to post a short biography of themselves for their first assignment. I will also post a biography of myself informing students of my educational credentials, achievements, professional experience, hobbies and interests.

I have gained information to enhance my skills as an online instructor to include course delivery, projecting my presence, engaging my students and managing the E-Learning environment. I plan to present quality online engaging information and meaningful learning activities for the best outcome. My students will be more secure and comfortable knowing that I will support them with online instruction and technical support.

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