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6 Practices that Hinder Problem Solving

Being effective at solving problems in the workplace (and throughout life) requires using a combination of memory, logic and insight. Your experiences combined with your logic abilities help you determine which problem-solving method is best for each challenge you encounter but there are several practices people commonly demonstrate which can hinder problem solving.  6 practices having to do with illogical thinking are listed below:

Recognize when you, your employees, or others adopt these 6 illogical practices:

  1. Speaking in absolutes, such as all, none, no one, everybody, never or always
  2. Generalizing that is either unsupported or supported by only one or two examples
  3. Use of emotional language to sway opinion
  4. Confusing opinion with evidence
  5. Adopting conclusions that don't follow logically from the evidence
  6. Excluding unfavorable or unsupportive data from evidence


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