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I feel that stress makes me less effective in my daily tasks and the day just drags. Do any one feel that way and which stress buster would you sugget to use?

I find that just taking a walk or closing your eyes and clearing the mind works.

Allow flexibility for possible delays is always helpful.

i try not to let stress take over my body. i beleive by taking a walk ,exercise, eating right can effect your mood swing in alot of ways. effectiveness occurs when you let it get to you. allow yourself to have time by yourself as an indiviual. it works. take a vacation. relax.

Taking a break and going for a walk helps me to relieve stress throughout the day

@dbega : I find walking around my campus and seeing my students in class learning, having them stop me to talk about their successes or challenges, and re-affirming why I do what I do helps me relieve stress.

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