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course prep

preping your course ahead of time will make things run so much better!!

A quality instructor should prepare for lectures before hand when they have the sufficient time and the proper environment to do so thouroughly.

James, In a perfect world, we would prepare lectures beforehand and have sufficient time to do so. Sometimes this is possible, and other times it's not. When it's not possible, we've got to look for quick solutions and quality workarounds.

Dr. Melissa Read

I agree that preparation in one of the key to a well managed class. Students attend class sometimes prepared and somtimes unprepared. However, Instructor must always be prepared because he or she is there to serve the best educational interest of students.

Life sometimes gets in the way. However, Our students are making a large investment with both their time and money. We as instructors should be prepared if we expect our students to be.

I think what would be a great help in lectures that you do not have time to prep for is to always have some cue cards with the major points that should never change from text book to text book, and fill in the blanks as you go along. This will take some of the anxiety away from the unknown lecture.

Andrew, Cue cards are handy for those who have a system for using them. A lot of instructors like to keep text brief on the cards and to include bullets. Some include pictures as well which do a nice job of jogging memory.

Dr. Melissa Read

Well stated. Make every effort to be professionally prepared and equipped to give a high quality education that students deserve.

Preparing lectures and have sufficient time to do so. When it's not possible, we've got to look for quick solutions and quality workarounds. All part of the class preparation.

As instructors we should always be preaired,but at times we may not have the time to do so when we are asked to cover another class back to back.

Jviveros, Yes, instructors often deal with unexpected tasks. It's important to build a buffer into your schedule to accommodate them.

Dr. Melissa Read

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